Tuesday, November 17, 2009

late to the game

i feel late to the game, starting a blog now. i've avoided it out of a fear of the first post. how to begin?

so i started typing about 'how i became a runner', but that got convoluted and involved, and i already know the story, and it'll be who knows how long before i have any 'followers', so i scratched that. or saved it for later maybe.

i guess i've decided to just type something, just to get this first post out of the way. then i'll take it from there.

i've always had a thing for words, a minor knack for writing. but i'm a perfectionist and it's often just so hard to find the perfect word, or the perfect combination of words, or to capture a specific thought or feeling or image in words. and i guess i'm lazy.

so we'll see how this goes, if it goes anywhere.